Friday, August 1, 2008

Why I am a silly Momma #103

So yesterday, Thursday, I took Ami to the beach for the first time. We went to Rocky Gap park which is usually not too busy. There were a fair amount of people there and we had to walk a bit to find a place to plop. If I wouldn't have had a baby, a baby bag, a floatie, an umbrella and a drink, the bit we had to walk wouldn't have been so bad! Anyway, we had a great time splashing in the water, crashing into the waves and relaxing in the sun! After a little over an hour Ami started to get sleepy so I decided it would be a good time to go. Get ready for silly momma....

So I packed up our load and got everything balanced in my arms and decide to walk up the other side. After all we were closer to that side and it would just be an easier walk. (for all of you who don't know RGP, there is a fairly steep sand dune to walk down/up to get to the beach) Anyway, after getting up the hill and feeling like I was about to have a heart attack from carrying my load, walking up the sand dune & melting in the heat, I discovered that those silly park people closed the opening. What the??!!! Now what do I do?! After some discussion with Ami, we decided no way were we walking down, over and then back up. Are you kidding, I would have had a heart attack then. So I threw everything I had over the fence (except Ami of course!) and we shimmied along the fence, through weeds, trees, brush and that itchy/scratchy dune grass. At one point I even had to hold onto the fence because of the huge drop off and hardly any earth to stand on. We eventually made it to the other side and oh geez! there was a steeeeeeep, no-way-could-I-walk-down hill. So I sat down (while everyone watched and probably thought about calling the loony bin on me) and we scooted down the hill so we could walk up the steps and get to the car. Whew! Just re-telling this story is making me hot, out of breath and feeling like one silly momma!

We did make it home. We napped, showered/bathed and we both can't wait to go again!


Anonymous said...

Silly Momma,
What an experience!!!!!!
Ami, you are sooo blessed to have such an adventurous momma!!! I love reading all these 'silly' things. What a wonderful life story for later years.
Heather------you MUST write a book!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Silly Momma,
I was tired before but after reading your adventure of last Thursday I am really exhausted. You had people watching -- and no one offered to help, you showed them you, did it yourself!!!
Glad you and Ami had fun at the beach, wish I would have been there.

A Horse Mom said...

That's too funny! I can honestly say I had a simular experience! I would love to forget it. Enjoy the last few weeks of beach weather!