Saturday, March 28, 2009


As a preface to my next post, I've been seeing a counselor for about 4 months now for various reasons. He always tells me to write, write, write. He's figured out that I am the kind of person that needs to actually SEE what I am thinking/feeling and therefore need to write it down. First to just "get it out" and second, to SEE if I am actually thinking clearly and if my feelings are just and real or petty. I have taken his advice and I know that I feel a whole lot better once I get my feelings on paper. And, sometimes days later I re-read what I wrote and realize that how I was acting/feeling/thinking was justified or was waaaayyyy off! Too bad I just can't realize it at the time. It would make my life easier and Adam's too! So I know I should write and I know it makes me feel better, makes me consciously look at the situation & helps me understand my feelings but I do not do it enough. So I am going to try to do better.

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