Thursday, June 26, 2008

A mess!

I guess I just wanted to show everyone how I a mess! I'm trying to clean up my "art room" and you know it "has to get worse before it gets better". And instead of focusing on getting that organized and shaped up, I was side-tracked by a picture on the fridge and had to scrap it right now. So, as you can see in the photos below, I had to do it in the kitchen where I had some clear counter space. Ha! Now my kitchen is a mess and my art room!
the kitchen! I even utilize the stove top! (Don't tell adam, he'd freak out!)

my desk in my art room...yikes!

I did make some progress in organizing today...I like to keep my things in coordinating piles. I used office clippy-things to keep everything together and then put those tiny 3M self-adhesive hooks on the some of my things are organized and in view!

These are Adam's two book cases filled with just imagine all the space I would have for my precious stuff... (next time you see him, ask him how many books he's actually read off his bookshelves! Those darn book clubs! Actually, I love books too and would be a fan of his if they weren't science fiction, yuk!)

So here is the start of the picture I just had to scrap. It was taken at Keely "Monster's" graduation party... the beautiful girl in the middle ;) And then all of a sudden, I felt like I needed to blog about my mess. Hmmm...I wonder what that means?! I know deep down that I am having a hard time with my "little sister" growing up, graduating and being a college girl...ugh that means I'm getting OLDER too!
And it also probably means that I need to get my mess CLEANED UP...
so i can make breakfast tomorrow morning
and then
of course, make another mess!!

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1 comment:

Holly said...

I'm glad to see your house is looking the same way mine does. It seems like I just keep moving my messes to different spots. But really, who wants to clean up when you have a cute baby to play with?!